Our Services


Our Senior Advocate Andrew is one of the few Veterans in Australia to take the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Veterans’ Review Board, and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission to the Federal Court of Australia. Advocacy Services we provide;
  • Non Liability White Card Applications
  • Initial Injury Claims
  • Appeals
  • Home Modifications
  • Household Services Claims
  • Travel Claims
  • Rehabilitation Equipment
  • General Questions
  • Representations to Government on Veteran matters

Household Services for Veterans

In response to the issues of DVA not paying providers in a timely manner in 2022 Veteran Advocacy Australia extended its Service offerings to providing direct DVA billing of Household Services for Veterans.  All Services are provided at no out of pocket expense to Veterans. The Services we provide include;
  • Mowing and Gardening (including Hedging)
  • Indoor Domestic Cleaning
  • Pool Cleaning and Servicing
  • Washing and Ironing
  • External Window Cleaning
  • Solar Panel Cleaning
  • Gutter Cleaning

If you have not already received DVA approval we can assist you with your Claim for Household Services.

Veteran Connect

The goal of Veteran Connect is to build local relationships and support networks to prevent the growing toll of Veteran suicide.

Veteran Connect activities vary from regular walks and coffees to a one off event in your area.

For upcoming events please visit our Facebook Page here.